Wednesday, 26th June 2024, Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

The Tanzania Socialist Forum (TASOFO) vehemently denounces the ongoing state-sponsored violence against the courageous youths in Kenya who are demonstrating against the 2024 Finance Bill . We stand in solidarity and echo all the demands of those brave youths who have refused to stand by and watch in silence while their leaders sell them back into slavery.

We have noted with concern the ongoing violence ranging from arbitrary arrests where more than 300 protestors have been arrested and injured, the abduction of a good number of protestors whose whereabouts have not been known, and even killing, which started with Rex Masai and more than 8 others who were shot died yesterday outside the parliament building. This unreasonable and unjustifiable use of force against responsible citizens who have decided to shame the colonial puppets and demand their fair share of the national resources is a clear massage of whose interests Ruto’s regime stands for.

It is very clear that William Ruto’s regime is an obedient servant of the terrorist empire and has no interest whatsoever in the well-being of the Kenyan poor masses. The so-called NATO’s important ally, the ongoing marriage with Bretton Wood’s institutions, especially the IMF, and the resultant austerity measures are a clear indication of Ruto’s decision to sacrifice the lives of the Kenyans for his master’s interests.

We support the brave actions of these young comrades because their struggles are not just against the proposed 2024 Finance Bill but against the entire establishment, which has been a nightmare for the whole continent. The non-partisan and nontribal Occupy Kenya Movement represents the disappointment of most African youth against their governments and, above all, against the colonial establishment, which has destabilized our continent, plundered our resources, imposed exploitative policies, and planted its puppets to implement them to the detriment of the poor majority, where women and youths suffer the most.

Kenyan young generation has literally made us proud and reminded us that power belongs to the people and that struggles for the second liberation of our continent must continue with the same zeal and vigor as our founding fathers and mothers. Although our hearts are bleeding for those who have been martyred, we know that their blood will nourish the tree that will bear fruits of freedom in Kenya and the entire African continent.  

To the Kenyan police, it is shameful that you are out there killing your own children under the orders of your number one enemy, who cares less about your descent life and, even worse, has just signed a deal to sacrifice your lives in Haiti.

We remind the police to protect the protestors not only because it is their duty to protect the people’s rights to assemble but also because they are equally affected by Ruto’s exploitative policies. Needless to say, just like other victims of the spiking costs of living, the Kenyan police will also benefit from the demands advanced by the brave protestors. We equally call upon the government of Kenya to immediately release all the arrested protestors and stop the police and economic violence against the Kenyan masses.

In the Spirit of Pan-Africanism, we reiterate our unwavering solidarity with the poor Kenyans and brave protestors and urge all the progressive forces within the region and continent at large to support the brave youths of Kenya. Let the spark of Nairobi ignite the fire of revolution among the African youths from Cape to Cairo. The fire that will neither spare Ruto and his likes in the East nor tolerate the ANC sellouts in the South and their likes in the entire continent. Let us take it upon ourselves to liberate this continent. Like the brave youth’s movement in Kenya, let us occupy Africa. Long live the defiant spirits of the occupy Kenya martyrs, Long Live the defiant spirit of the Kenyan youth.






Tanzania Socialist Forum- Pan African & International Solidarity Department.

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